Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring of March

Isn't it wonderful to have a second chance at life?  Surviving a terminal illness (when the doctor claimed your days are numbered) .  Healing a broken heart from a divorced marriage. Building a business after being fired from work..

Like January, the start of the year, March promises a new beginning.  It is when season change from the death grip of winter to a new season of spring.  Colors start to appear while darkness evade.  Flowers bloom accentuates nature!  Animals awaken creating a concert of sounds.  And this time, there are more outs than ins.  Humans move outward-bound.

What's in the name "March?"

It was said that March was named after Mars, being the god of "fertility and agricultural deity.  He with other deities oversaw the new growth of spring and encouraged the continuation of life (fertility, sex, procreation in human, plant and animal realms)"

And this is exactly what March embodies "reigniting the hearts and consciousness of the humankind," setting a "course for forward-momentum" gravitating outdoors, reuniting with nature.  A celebration of life!

This month is special to me because of 3 celebrations

I. Celebration of Women's Day & History
about women's history month
UN's theme

II. Nutrition Month

III. Commencement Exercise of my nephew-look-alike.  He is going to a big school.

and of course, it is the end of the first quarter --celebrating my accomplishment in the first third of the year!!  Woohoo!  As this blog post ends with the quarter, I remember Jim Rohn's quote, "Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer.  If you've signed up for a season, see through.  You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through."


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