Wednesday, July 1, 2009

To see something that is not there is a great image

I had an honor to meet an award-winning photographer last night in one of my friend's 'dinner-assembly.' He perked our appetites by showing us slides of pictures backedground with music, he himself concocted. Wonderfully put together! The photos filled our senses with things one would take for granted. I could not let my eye blink as I take a bite on each festive, emotional, life-giving, silentious photo. As I digest the five-course meal of photos, plates and bowls of food come rushing on our table.

NOTE: Mr Deichmann is conducting photography classes around the world --he may be in your country next! For more information, get in touch with him through numbers or contact details posted on his website.

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[1]Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Community Development Projects
[2]Cooperative movement or Kooperatiba
[3]Farm tours or Educational field trips
[4]Organic Farm training or Farm assistance
[5]Holistic Events or Team-building activities
[6]Environmental Resource Speaker
[7]Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (RA 10068) or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003) materials
[8]Farm Lots