Monday, May 24, 2010

In Our Possession: The Pinatubo Crater Lake


Eight in the morning of a steamy resplendent day with my husband Daryl Abueva, Uncle Romy Abueva, a tourist guide and a boatman, we got to the other side of this magnificent looking Pinatubo Crater Lake!  It would have been a sin not to indulge in the turquoise waters of the lake. It's amazing how we had to avoid patches of boiling water by the shore, then chill upon thermocline as we swam a little further.

Notice in the photo that we had the entire lake all to ourselves (READ: nobody else was with our group, we owned the lake!). Troops of tourists only started to arrive on our boat trip back.

We totally enjoyed this day trip. From the one and a half hours of 4x4 rough ride, to the manageable 15-minute trek, onto our reward, the breathtaking view of the Pinatubo Crater Lake! I am so impressed at how the beautiful Pinatubo Park is maintained. Trash bins are located everywhere it would be a shame to litter.

I would also like to commend our driver and tour guide, who shared with us some interesting stories about this destination. (Long and short of it, you should come during the perfect weather summer months, and make sure there's no typhoon. And oh, come early like we did. Be at the Pinatubo Wellness Center by 5:30am. Seriously!) Our tour guide was so skillful and quick to assist on our trek up and down. They're so decent that even if we intended to give them a tip, we never felt them ask for gratuities.

I'd be very happy to return to this place. But this time, I must not miss the volcanic mud spa and massage at the Wellness Center. That alone should be just as inviting!

Formerly a supply chain corporate executive, Charmaine is currently a full-time mother to her unica-hija turning three on July. She is a part-time supply chain consultant, as well as, a business partner of husband Daryl (who took all the wonderful pictures!) on outdoor advertising business (refer below for the contact information).

Loving every minute of being a full-time mom, she says, "It's a delight for me to be with my daughter in her kinder music and swimming classes, and I am excited to take her to junior nursery classes this coming June."  

Fuming with energy, she scuba dives with husband, sister and friends. "We love spontaneous trips!" (the pinatubo trip was one of them :)

Every mother and wife deserves an alone-time.  When this time calls, Charmaine practices bikram yoga -- a series of yoga poses done in a heated room.   Is this why she is looking forward to returning to Pinatubo with the volcanic mud spa? That is another story in the making...

MOBILE          0917-8622028
TELEPHONE   5025991

Photos courtesy of Daryl Abueva

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