Sunday, May 16, 2010

Planting a Seed

A couple of months ago, i planted some marigold seeds. Every single day, with no fail, i watered them. Weeks passed, with no sight of growth, i continuously irrigate them until that special milestone -- pea-like leaves sprouted from the organic soil.

It's like feeling the first-kick of a baby in the womb. There was excitement. There was unsound joy. The seed turn into leaves... from the leaves to bud... to the first bloom of flower. The marigold seed finally gave birth to a flower!  (see below for the medicinal value of marigold)

Planting in Sports
Planting a seed in sports for me mean committing to a regular time (experts recommend 5 days a week) for training, picking the right coach that suits the skill requirement (and preferably someone who bagged trophies) that will mentor me by teaching the techniques, surrounding myself with buddies or a support group that will test and push my limit (people realize that they can do more or perform better when they have a trainer or support group). 

Say, in running long distance, one does not register to a 42k race any time he wants and hope that everything will turn out good, finishing the race without injury.  Like planting a seed one does not just throw a seed and hope that it will grow to a tree.  It needs preparation --identify a place by considering the amount of space, sunlight, soil; prepare the pot/garden by ridding off weeds; scheduling the watering etc. 

Depending on the level of fitness, ideal preparation for marathon is 3 months --this is what our coach in the running clinic prescribed.  A plan is laid out in progressing the speed, distance, fitness level.  We were taught correct form and tempo (pace) to run better/faster, what to eat at what time (pre/during/post), hydration, running gear...  I want to join a FREE running clinic - Click me!

Planting as Investment
Do I just throw my money to a financial institution without checking it's legality, it's credibility, it's performance?  Or do I need to do my homework of learning about investment, placing my money or asset to the right financial instrument?  Do I know how money works? Do you know Albert Einstein's rule of investment?  I want to know more from certified financial consultants - Click me!

Planting for Noynoy
Noynoy's parents, the former Ninoy Aquino and President Corazon Aquino, planted the seed of leadership on Noynoy and planted charisma, trust for their son to Filipino voters.  Now, the fruit of their labor brought reality to the winning presidentiable.

How will I plant a seed of growth for my physical, financial, social health?

About Marigold Plant
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory. Antiseptic. Astringent. Anti-fungal. Antispasmodic (alleviates spasms and cramps). Detoxifying. Lymphatic deobstructant. Prevents haemorrhaging.
Indications: Sunburn. Bruises. Cuts & scratches. Stings & swellings. Swollen lymph glands, mumps. Sore throat. Pelvic congestion. Infections and inflammations in general. Athlete’s foot. Prevents period pains. Varicose veins, chapped skin and thrush.

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