Sunday, May 1, 2011

Top 6 Yoga Post-Run Stretches

Yoga, which dates back Stone Age (poses were carved on stones), is believed to aid in proper breathing and relaxation, releasing tension on muscle tissue, hence, strengthen muscle and increase flexibility.

Flexibility is important in running.  It acts like a lubrication on joints, allowing them to move freely.  Increased flexibility increases blood supply and nutrients to joint structures, which in turn increases circulation, leading to greater elasticity of surrounding tissues. [Fitness expert Josh Salzmann]

When you incorporate the following yoga poses into your running regimen it will reduce muscle soreness caused by formation of lactic acid, as well as, avoid injury.

1] Head-to-Knee Pose - Sit on a mat with your legs outstretched.  Slowly bend the left leg so that the heel is against the right thigh. With your right hand, reach for your inner right sole. 30 breaths. Do the opposite leg.
2]Pyramid Pose - Standing with your legs apart, about shoulder distance, point both your feet to the right. Bend your body and reach your right foot with a left hand. Count 30 seconds. Turn to the opposite side.
3]Quadriceps Stretch in Lunge Pose - mimick a guy proposing for marriage to a girl, but instead of holding a ring, raise the foot parallel to the floor towards you, using the same side hand. Count 30 seconds. Do the opposite leg.

4]Pigeon Forward Fold Pose - a bit tricky.  Start with both hands on the floor with legs outstretched like doing a plank pose. Bend your right knee while lowering your left leg (and your ankle flexed) until your face is near the floor and your right thigh nicely tucked in your body. Extend your arms forward or just rest your elbows (or palms; whatever works for you) on the floor. 30 breaths. Do the opposite leg.
5]Triangle Pose - also called Trikonasa. Facing front, start with legs apart (about 12 inches), arms extended on the side (shoulder level). Lower your right hand so it reaches either the right knee / leg / ankle whichever is comfortable for you.  Count 30. Do the opposite side. 
It may look simple in the picture but once done correctly will "build strength and steadiness in the legs and feet, creates magnificent expansion and space in the torso as the arms and legs reach outward and cultivates sama (evenness in the body)" [YogaJournal]
6]Happy Baby Pose - Lie on your back. Bend knees onto your chest. Open the knees, bringing them toward the armpits.  Stack each ankle directly over the knee, so that the shins are perpendicular to the floor. Hold the outer edges of the flexed feet as you draw the knees towards the floor. [Ananda Balasana]
Do what you can do, each time you do this pose (or any of the presented poses), will get you closer to the desired pose. And please remember to breathe properly!  Google proper yoga breathing.

1]Don't overstretch!  By overstretching, you create an automatic myotatic reflex that actually will cause the muscle to recoil to protect itself from tearing and injury.  Also, do not bounce while stretching, Holding your stretch in a static position works best.  [Debbie Pitchford, physical therapist for Novacare, Indiana USA]
2] YouTube yoga stretches you would want to see!

Photos courtesy of people (and people-loving :) who enjoy exercising on treeful, carless oval at UP Diliman on Sundays. Take a breath of the pollution-free air!

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