Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kooperatiba Pinoy (Philippine Cooperative)


Bayanihan was an assumed part of the way of life of our Filipino ancestors.  It was "the strong centripetal force, the sense of community, sense of collectivity of weal and woe."  Much like our ancestors who were riding those giant bancas called barangay, we could move forward and survive only working together, affirming and helping one another.  Let's relive the Bayanihan spirit!!

This is the unifying mission of the people behind KOOPERATIB.COM -- to assist barangays in mobilizing Filipino bayanihan through cooperativism with socially-oriented projects, education and training, research and marketing, linkages and communication.

What are the benefits of cooperativism?
(a)Provide goods and services to its members to enable them to attain increased income, savings, investments, productivity, and purchasing power, and promote among themselves equitable distribution of net surplus through maximum utilization of economies of scale, cost-sharing, and risk-sharing;
(b)Provide optimum social and economic benefits to its members;
(c)Teach them efficient ways of doing things in a cooperative manner;
(d)Propagate cooperative practices and new ideas in business and management;
(e)Allow the lower income and less privileged groups to increase their ownership in the wealth of the nation;
(f)Cooperate with the government, other cooperatives and people-oriented organizations to further the attainment of any of the foregoing objectives.

Learn more about RA 9520: Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 on CDA website.

Do you know of  any cooperative that wants to get listed on the Directory of Cooperatives the is preparing to post on their website?  Email us here  or
Or use the form in

PHOTO BY Filipino National Artist Carlos Botong Francisco

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EMAIL if you are looking for the following in the Philippines:
[1]Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Community Development Projects
[2]Cooperative movement or Kooperatiba
[3]Farm tours or Educational field trips
[4]Organic Farm training or Farm assistance
[5]Holistic Events or Team-building activities
[6]Environmental Resource Speaker
[7]Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (RA 10068) or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003) materials
[8]Farm Lots