Friday, September 9, 2011

Green Entrepreneurship: Are there enough takers?

by David "Shen" D'Angelo, co-chairperson for the 1st World Creative Youth Forum 

Many are asking why they need to buy so called organic and green products.  What's the difference since most of these products are more expensive anyway?  Why produce and have them, anyway?

Organic products are those produced through the natural process and whose ingredients are natural as well.  Green products are commonly composed of both organic products and other products which are certified to be environmental friendly.   So what's the relevance of green products?
Since green products are environment-friendly, they have a lot of relevance when it comes to preserving and protecting our environment.  These products are not harmful to the environment and even contribute to efforts to safeguard our environment for future generations.

However, since the production and market for green products are not yet mainstreamed, production, retailing and marketing are relatively high thus making the final selling price more expensive than other prevailing products of the same kind.

Also, people do not know what the difference between green products and ordinary products is or if they know they thought that it has no bearing anyway on the daily life.

On the recent years however there is a growing trend of going green. There is for instance a proliferation of both green bags and biodegradable plastic bags although some may not be actually biodegrable.  Some firms have started their green marketing and promotion as well.  If you will notice in television, radio and even billboards you will never fail to see the word "GREEN" in about 40% of these advertisements.

But are they really helping push for the green enterprise and the promotion of green entrepreneurship or are they just riding the bandwagon to do more sales?  Well, I am not the right person to answer that question but it is them who are producers and you who are consumer, that can give an answer to such a question.

So are there enough takers for green entrepreneurship? Perhaps we still dont have that, but the prospects for green entrepreneurship are surely getting better.  So, why dont you seriously take the challenge and become a green entrepreneu

Green products and services can include products for daily home or office use that are "earth-friendly" in their manufacture, packaging, use, waste output like  These are products and services that help buyers become more "earth-friendly" such as garden tools, organic gardening inputs; support products for the health-conscious and all promotional and educational materials that are printed on bio-degradable materials and all earth-friendly items within the scope of your imagination and determined to be useful, even necessary, to market. Captured from Kamayan para sa Kalikasan Journal 86th issue. Click here to Kamayan Forum website


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EMAIL if you are looking for the following in the Philippines:
[1]Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Community Development Projects
[2]Cooperative movement or Kooperatiba
[3]Farm tours or Educational field trips
[4]Organic Farm training or Farm assistance
[5]Holistic Events or Team-building activities
[6]Environmental Resource Speaker
[7]Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 (RA 10068) or Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003) materials
[8]Farm Lots