Saturday, October 8, 2011

Raw Food: Nature's Original Recipe

Extracted from PROSPER-Vitality Exemplified: Empowering and Revolutionizing Your Health & Wealth

Organic Greens
It's ironic how we are producing more food now than a hundred years ago, but we are a lot less healthy.  Between 1960 and 2000 alone, in the US, the incidences of obesity rose from just over 10% to nearly 30% of the population.  In 1990, for most American states only 4-6% of the population had diabetes, compared to 6-8% in 2001 (with some states registering more than 10%).  Add to this the fact that there are many diseases today that did not exist in the early part of the 20th century.

The truth is, advances in food production technology have sacrificed quality for quantity; farmlands today yield much more at each harvest, but each crop is less nutritious than its counterpart of 100 years ago.  It is estimated that today's food contains up to 50% less vitamins and minerals than those in the 1960s.  A study published in August Celebration found that in 1948, 100 grams of spinach contained 158 milligrams of iron.  The same quantity of spinach contains less than 2.2 milligrams of iron today, meaning you'd have to eat 75 rations of spinach just to get the same nutrition.  Similarly, to get the nutritional benefit on one apple 60 years ago, you'll have to consume as many as 16 apples produced in today's plantations.

Simply put, the use of artificial (and even chemical) processes to enhance food production and extend shelf life has left the modern consumer's diet severely lacking in nutritional value.  There is now a dire need to return to the diet of our ancestors: raw, organic, unadulterated, untreated food.

Nature never intended for us to cook or process our food.  This is why when you analyze the composition of organically grown food, you will find that it contains not only the vitamins and minerals, but also the enzymes and other nutritional components (called co-factors) needed for the body to efficiently metabolize the nutrients.  The slightest intervention--even just heating your food--drastically reduces the amount and potency of these nutrients, resulting in your food being just a shell of its former self by the time it reaches the dinner table.

The same principle applies to vitamin and mineral supplements, which ironically are designed to compensate for the nutrition lost during the processing of our food.  The problem is, most commercially available nutritional supplements are themselves chemically produced, which means that they bear little (if any) resemblance to the natural foods they're supposed to supplement.  In short, the modern generation has been conditioned to take inorganic vitamin and mineral supplements to make up for nutritional deficiencies caused by eating inorganic food.  It simply does not make sense!

The bottom line is that Mother Nature is a wise and responsible provider, and she has given us everything we need in a complete ready-to-eat package.  Our efforts at outdoing her in terms of production and shelf life have only worked to our disadvantage.  Perhaps, knowing what we know now, it is high time we put our trust back in Mother Nature, and accept the fact that no work of human hands can ever do better than what Nature intended.


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[1]Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) or Community Development Projects
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